Friday, November 7, 2008

Free Straitjacket Friday ... Crock-pots Rule!

Today's topic is crock-pots and why they rule:
  1. You throw your food in and forget about it for a few hours.

  2. It allows you to leave the house while dinner is still cooking.

  3. It tenderizes tougher cuts of meat.

  4. They make the house smell really good.

  5. Mine is red.

I start off with this:

After several unwatched hours, I get this:

I also like to make split pea soups in my crock-pot. One of my girlfriends stuffs uncooked manicotti shells with a spinach-ricotta mixture, places them in her crock-pot with a bunch of marinara sauce and then has a magically delicious meal hours later. I recently made hot apple cider for a large group of trick-or-treating kids by pouring a whole bottle of apple cider into the crock-pot and adding a few cinnamon sticks. Several hours later, our thirsty and cold group came back to the house and there was hot cider all ready to go.

Who else uses a crock-pot? Let's hear about it.


Mokihana said...

I'm just starting to use mine again after not for a long time. Tonight (cuz me and Julie wen holoholo ka'a all day long) I had put sweet/sour meatballs; was all pau cooking when I got home! Last week I made one stew (I like browning the meat first). Before that I made this chicken breast thing with mushrooms and sour cream.

I have a friend who bakes her potatoes in a crockpot. Just poke 'em a few times, put on low all day long.

I've made overnight oatmeal in it.

Next week going be kalua pig.

I have this one crock pot that has a separate but still inside the crockpot section for veggies. But I kinda think now, why? I've never used it.

We inherited Papa-san's HR one, but I think it cooks more hot than my Rival.

And somewhere around here I have a really big 5-quart one. Sure wish I could find it for the kalua pig.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny!! Can also use yer crockpot foah making apple butter and pear butter ... just start on high for a couple of hours, then let cook on low until thick enuf ... MMMM onoliscious! I like the potroast in the crockpot, also like making chicken and dumplings ... mmmmm ...

Anonymous said...

We use it for making chili - or kalua pig.